The Girl On The Train - Paula Hawkins

10:10 PM Miki Domoto 0 Comments

The Girl on the TrainThe Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

This book generally is a waste of time. After reading it, I went goodreads to check out the reviews, there were some really funny ones..

I would suggest the author watch more dramas. Such plot probably appear in local drama umpteen times. The author can't even bothered to create enough characters to send the guessing game more in depth. There were 3 male characters, the victim's husband Scott, victim's doctor Kamal and the female lead ex-hubby Tom. The victim was pregnant at the time that she was murdered, the baby was not Scott and Kamal, who else would you guess? At least the author was not lame enough to claim the baby to be the policeman's or Stranger A's.

What was the murderer's motive? Because he wanted to break up and the victim don't want to. So he flew into anger and hit her with a rock? Huh, what is this man? Nothing better to write?

The writing standard was poor. The character of all characters were weak. The book built basically NO emotions. You don't feel any joy, any pitiness, any anger, nothing. Even a glass of plain water would taste better.

Rachel being drunk and losing her sane, SUDDENLY became sober. He should explain more about the fairy godmother in action, Maybe fairy godmother need to run off to attend to Cinderella, not able to appear as calefare for the book.

Seriously, even you have time and got nothing to do, DON'T READ IT. Unless you want to be an author and need some motivation, you probably felt you could do a better job.

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